What did the doctor tell the judge the outsiders?

What did the doctor tell the judge the outsiders?

The doctor obviously convinced the judge that Ponyboy’s mental health was more than a little delicate concerning that traumatic night. Ponyboy at this point has very mixed up feelings about what happened and mistakenly believes that he killed Bob, so clearly he is currently not a reliable source of information.

What do you think the doctor told the judge before the hearing?

What do you think the doctor told the judge before the hearing? – The doctor probably said to let Ponyboy off easy because Ponyboy has been through a lot and has been through some trauma and stress. – His life seemed so different after the hearing because he was in emotional stress.

What do you think the doctor told the judge about Ponyboy What was the result of the hearing?

Ponyboy does not have to speak much at the hearing, since his doctor has spoken to the judge about Ponyboy’s condition. After the hearing, Ponyboy becomes detached and depressed. His grades suffer, he loses his coordination, memory, and appetite, and he resumes fighting with Darry.

What do the doctors say about Johnny’s injuries in the outsiders?

What do the doctors say about Johnny’s injuries? The doctors say Johnny’s injuries were minor and he would be fine in a few weeks. The doctors say Johnny’s injuries were severe. He would be crippled for the rest of his life if he lived.

What happens at the judge’s hearing in the Outsiders?

Firstly, before the hearing, the doctor has a lengthy discussion with the judge. Secondly, while the Socs are questioned with regards to the day of Bob’s death, he is not asked about it, and the judge avoids the topic. The events suggest that the doctor is aware of Ponyboy’s situation.

What do you suppose the doctor told the judge?

What do you suppose the doctor told the judge? The doctor may have convinced the judge that Ponyboy has been through a lot and spoke about how Ponyboy has been coping with all that he has lost and losing everyone he loves. The doctor may have believed Ponyboy was good boy and wanted to judge to convey sympathy.

What was the judge questioning Ponyboy about in the Outsiders?

Based on this piece of information as well as the kind of questioning by the judge during the hearing, the reader can infer that the doctor recommended that the judge not bring up Johnny or the night of Bob’s murder with Ponyboy.

What happens in Chapter 11 of the Outsiders?

1. THE OUTSIDERS Chapter 11&12 Questions & Answers December 2018 Miss Riddell 2. 1. True or false? Bob’s parents are partly responsible for their son’s death. Explain your answer. Both Randy and Ponyboy have commented that Bob’s parents were too lenient with their son, which made him act out in worse and worse ways.