What did Scrooge say he wished he had done when a boy was singing a Christmas carol at his door?

What did Scrooge say he wished he had done when a boy was singing a Christmas carol at his door?

What does he wish he had done? The thing scrooge regrets is scaring the little boy that was trying to sing him a christmas carol. The thing that scrooge had wished he had done is not scare him off and payed attention.

What was Scrooge’s response to his nephew?

Scrooge reacts to the holiday visitors with bitterness and venom, spitting out an angry “Bah! Humbug!” in response to his nephew’s “Merry Christmas!”

Why does the boy singing carols flee from Scrooge’s door?

Why does the boy singing carols flee from Scrooge’s door? Because Scrooge scared him. Fezziwig is the complete opposite of Scrooge. He cares for his employees, and treats them well.

How did Scrooge react when he saw Marley?

Scrooge reacts with fear when he first encounters the ghost of his long-dead partner, Jacob Marley. Marley’s ghost appears for the first time as a glowing face on the doorknocker of Ebenezer Scrooge’s house. Scrooge is shaken by the apparition, but he unlocks the door, enters his house, and lights a candle.

Why can’t Scrooge and his nephew be friends?

Scrooge’s clerk applauds his speech, which causes Scrooge to reprimand him that he’ll lose his job if he hears another peep out of him. The nephew tells him that his marriage is not what keeps Scrooge from visiting him, since he didn’t visit him before his marriage. He desires to be friends and wants nothing more.

Why does Scrooge see Marley’s face?

Scrooge goes through his dreary routine of dinner in a tavern, then goes to his gloomy home. Scrooge sees the dead Marley’s face in the knocker of his door until it turns back into a knocker. Marley appeared to Scrooge because he wanted to help him make more of his life. Jacob Marley was Scrooge’s business partner.

What does Scrooge regret that he had not done for the boy who sang Christmas carols outside his office door?

He regrets that he has not been a more charitable person these past years and promises that he will change his ways so that he will not end the way the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come showed him.

Why does Scrooge ask his nephew why he got married?

Scrooge asks why he got married, and then scoffs when the nephew says he fell in love. He bids him good day. The nephew tells him that his marriage is not what keeps Scrooge from visiting him, since he didn’t visit him before his marriage. He desires to be friends and wants nothing more.

What did Scrooge wish he had done in A Christmas Carol?

Those who hadn’t walked among their fellow man in life had to after death. When Scrooge saw himself as a boy, he wished that he had given something to the boy who sang at his door

How did Scrooge respond to the boy singing in his window?

Nothing,” said Scrooge. “Nothing. There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something: that’s all.”

What does Carol mean in A Christmas Carol?

What does carol mean in A Christmas Carol? the story is called “A Christmas Carol” because when a young boy comes up to Scrooge’s door and starts singing a Christmas carol, Scrooge threatens to harm him with a ruler. But to answer your question, “carol” means song about Christams.

Who is the first Ghost in A Christmas Carol?

The first ghost that is sent by Marley is the ghost of Christmas past. The ghost takes Scrooge back in time to where Scrooge was born and raised. At the sight of the village, Scrooge softens and is excited for a moment before returning to his old personality.