What are 2 symbols in A Retrieved Reformation?

What are 2 symbols in A Retrieved Reformation?

A Retrieved Reformation Symbols

  • Jimmy’s Tools.
  • Annabel’s Rose.
  • Ben Price’s Button.

    What is an example of symbolism in A Retrieved Reformation?

    The rose pinned to Annabel Adams’s dress is only mentioned once in “A Retrieved Reformation,” yet it is deeply symbolic of Jimmy’s love for Annabel. After assuming the identity of Ralph D. Spencer, Jimmy asks Annabel for the rose right before he breaks into Mr. Adams’s safe to save Agatha.

    What is one example of irony in A Retrieved Reformation?

    The look Jimmy shares with Annabel Adams the first time he sees her makes him forget his identity as a burglar. The fact that she is a banker’s daughter is an example of situational irony, as it puts Jimmy in close proximity to a safe he could easily rob if his safecracking compulsion were ever to return.

    What is a good theme for A Retrieved Reformation?

    The theme of ‘A Retrieved Reformation’ is that love can reform anyone. At the beginning of the story, Jimmy Valentine is unrepentant about his crimes….

    What is the main conflict in a Retrieved Reformation?

    Jimmy Valentine’s major conflict is that he must be dishonest about his true identity as a criminal in order to enjoy life as an upright and honest citizen.

    What’s the climax of a Retrieved Reformation?

    Climax: Annabel’s niece, Agatha, gets locked into the new safe at the bank. his true identity while Annabel’s family and Ben Price all watch.

    Why does Jimmy ask for Annabel’s Rose?

    He assumed that Annabel could no longer love him once she had found him out. When he asked for the rose she was wearing, it was a sentimental request. He wanted something to remember her by.

    Why did Ralph ask Annabel for her rose pinned on her dress?

    When Annabel’s niece, Agatha, is locked in the safe at The Elmore Bank, Jimmy first asks Annabel for the rose pinned to her dress, a symbol of their love and a token of remembrance, before cracking the safe and exposing that his identity as Ralph is a farce.

    What is the theme of Jimmy’s new life?

    Love and Redemption An expert at cracking safes, Jimmy quickly returns to a life of crime and continues to rob banks throughout the area. Only after seeing Annabel Adams outside one such bank does Jimmy abandon his criminal ways, and, upon falling in love with her, ultimately renounce them forever.

    What is the most obvious external conflict in a Retrieved Reformation?

    What is the external conflict? The relationship between Price and Valentine. Price is chasing Valentine and Valentine is trying to run away.

    What is the main conflict of A Retrieved Reformation?

    Why is it called a Retrieved Reformation?

    Once he gets out of prison he goes right back to his old ways. But then he meets and falls in love with Annabel Adams and decides to go straight. This is his “reformation.” He changes his name to Ralph Spencer.

    What is the conclusion of a Retrieved Reformation?

    O. Henry came to the conclusion that crime does not pay. Fortunately, he had a great talent for writing which enabled him to make an honest living. But his past haunted him for the rest of his life.

    What is a simile in A Retrieved Reformation?

    Opened like a cheese (Simile) To describe how Jimmy opens a would-be highly secure safe in Logansport, O. Henry uses a simile, saying the safe is “opened like a cheese.” The reader infers that Jimmy has no trouble opening the safe, and that it opens as smoothly as a knife splits open a wheel of cheese.

    What does the rose symbolize in A Retrieved Reformation?

    Annabel’s Rose Symbol Analysis. The rose pinned to Annabel Adams’s dress is only mentioned once in “A Retrieved Reformation,” yet it is deeply symbolic of Jimmy’s love for Annabel. After assuming the identity of Ralph D. Considering Jimmy’s risk, Annabel’s rose symbolizes more than just Jimmy’s love for her.