How is Scrooge presented as unpleasant?

How is Scrooge presented as unpleasant?

Scrooge is the main character of Dickens’s novella and is first presented as a miserly , unpleasant man. He rejects all offerings of Christmas cheer and celebration as ‘Humbug! According to Dickens’s description, Scrooge is cold through and through. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him.

What are some of Scrooge’s actions?

Expert Answers Scrooge demonstrates that he has changed because first he refuses to celebrate Christmas with his nephew or help anyone else celebrate it, then he asks about helping the poor, and finally he sends Bob Cratchit a turkey and arranges to help his family.

What is Ebenezer Scrooge weakness?

Weaknesses: Selfishness, lack of work-life balance that results in giving his all to his job and having nothing left over for people. Opportunities: Embracing change by connecting with others and sharing his spirit with the world.

Why does Fred pity Scrooge?

Expert Answers Fred, Scrooge’s nephew, is a kind character who only feels pity for Scrooge. He says, “I couldn’t be angry with him if I tried.” He feels that Scrooge doesn’t hurt anyone with his miserly and isolated behavior but himself.

Scrooge demonstrates that he has changed because first he refuses to celebrate Christmas with his nephew or help anyone else celebrate it, then he asks about helping the poor, and finally he sends Bob Cratchit a turkey and arranges to help his family.

Who feels bad for Scrooge?

His sister, Fan, was kind and generous, and it is obvious that he misses her. It becomes clear that Fan has since died. At that point, Scrooge feels sorry for his nephew (Fan’s son), as he now sees Fred in the context of a young man without a mother. He regrets the way he acted in refusing to attend the party.

Why is Scrooge Sad in A Christmas Carol?

He believes Christmas is only for children. He only cares about making money and Christmas interrupts a business day. He feels sad at Christmastime. He actually enjoys Christmas and only pretends not to like it. When Scrooge goes home from work in Act I, which three a ctions show that he feels uneasy? He checks each of the rooms.

What does Scrooge do when he goes home from work?

When Scrooge goes goes home form work, which actions show that he is uneasy? He checks each of the rooms. He trims his candle as he walks. He looks under the sofa and table. He eats a bowl of gruel for his dinner. He thinks he sees Marley’s face in the pictures.

Why was Scrooge made uneasy by Fannie’s son?

Scrooge is made uneasy by this because he has no relationship with Fannie’s son. He was harsh with the young man that afternoon, although the nephew only wanted to invite Scrooge to Christmas dinner and share the joy of the season.

What does Marley tell Ebenezer Scrooge at the beginning of the play?

Which of the following pieces of information does Jacob Marley reveal about Ebenezer Scrooge at the beginning of the play? In Act I, why does Scrooge not like Christmas? He believes Christmas is only for children. He only cares about making money and Christmas interrupts a business day.