Did Ebenezer Scrooge have a wife?

Did Ebenezer Scrooge have a wife?

In Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol, the Ghost of Christmas past shows us the young Ebenezer engaged to be married to Belle. We can imagine that after a 20 year marriage, a miserly Scrooge has achieved great success in the money-lending business. He and Belle have two sons of 10 and 13.

Does Scrooge have a family?

Scrooge does have a kind of family in his partner Marley, who is described at the beginning of the novella as fulfilling many roles for Scrooge before his death. Ebenezer Scrooge and His Nephew Fred. Ebenezer Scrooge had one sibling – a sister, called Fran – who is now dead. She had one child, a son called Fred.

Why did Scrooge not get married?

When Scrooge sees Belle, he is reminded of his greed. Because he loved money more than love, he lost Belle and therefore he lost the only happiness he had in his life. In other words, the love of gold or money has replaced Scrooge’s love for her and so she breaks off their relationship.

What happens to Scrooge’s fiance?

Since Scrooge has developed an obsession with accumulating wealth, he has changed dramatically. Belle, thus, decides to end their engagement, citing his “changed nature” and telling him that she is still full of love for the man he once was.

Why did Bell not marry Scrooge?

In A Christmas Carol, Belle breaks up with Scrooge because he no longer values her and she has been replaced by a “golden idol.” Belle recognizes that Scrooge has inherently changed and is solely focused on amassing wealth, which has become his “master-passion.” She is no longer in love with Scrooge and sees her life …

Who is Scrooge’s sister?

Scrooge’s sister, Fanny, was based on Dickens sister Fanny whom he adored. Many of young Scrooge’s memories are those of Dickens and his sister.

Why did Scrooge leave school?

“The school is not quite deserted,” said the Ghost. “A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there still.” The Ghost of Christmas Past has shown Scrooge his loneliness as a child in order to display for the old miser the length of the road down which he has traveled to reach his current state of being.

Who was Ebenezer Scrooge married to in Christmas Carol?

Scrooge married Belle? In Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol, the Ghost of Christmas past shows us the young Ebenezer engaged to be married to Belle. Troubled over the cost of the wedding, he repeatedly delays it, which leads Belle eventually to call off the engagement and marry another.

What happens if Scrooge and Belle get married?

It was also only in 1882 that wives were allowed to own and control their own property (as a result of the Married Women’s Property Act). This means that having married Scrooge, all of Belle’s property, earnings, and money would have been deemed to belong to him.

Who is the closest living relative of mr.scrooge?

Mr. Scrooge lives alone. He owns his own business. Mr. Scrooge’s closest living relative is his nephew, Fred. Presenting Problems: Mr. Scrooge states that he has no complaints, however he has agreed to meet today in order to satisfy the concerns of his nephew Fred. Fred states that he is concerned about Mr. Scrooge’s mental state.

Where did Mr Scrooge spend most of his childhood?

Mr. Scrooge reports that he spent most of his childhood in boarding school. He was often isolated and forgotten by his family. He felt and still believes that his father did not care much for him. He states the only relative that paid much attention to him was his sister, Fan. She was the mother of Fred, and is now deceased. Mr.