What is Bishop Iona Locke age?

What is Bishop Iona Locke age?

She was 72 years old. We are sad to report that gospel singer and Bishop Iona Locke has passed away. She was 72 years old.

What happened to Bishop Iona E Locke?

Iona E. Locke, founder of Abyssinia Christ Centered Ministries and a Presiding Prelate of the Christ Centered Ministries Assembly, passed away on Friday, December 18, 2020, released in a statement by Gwendolyn Quinn, public relations professional, on behalf of Bishop Locke’s family.

What did Bishop Iona Locke die of?

Her cause of death is currently unknown, but the statement said that she had suffered a “season of sickness” before requesting everyone’s “continuous prayers” for her family, church and fellowship.

When did Bishop Iona Locke die?

Iona Locke Cause of Death She died on December 18, 2020.

When did Dr Iona Locke die?

Iona Locke Cause of Death She died on December 18, 2020. In her last time, she was with her family, Talk of the social media, she used to be active on the Twitter account.

Who was dr.iona Locke married to?

Dr. Iona Locke was not married so she had no husband in her lifetime. She devoted all her life to God. Hardly any information regarding the late Dr. Iona Locke income or net worth is known. She must have gained some amounts but the exact details are not known.

How old was Bishop Iona Locke when she died?

It’s sad to announce the death of Bishop Iona Locke. It has been confirmed that she died on December 18, 2020. As at the time of the filing of this article, her cause of death or what contributed to her demise was not made public. She was 72 years old.

Who was the Bishop of Baltimore who was never married?

Was Bishop Iona Locke Ever Married? No. Bishop Iona Locke has never been married. She was engaged to Bishop Earl Wortham of Baltimore Maryland back in the 1980s.

Where did Iona Locke go to Bible School?

Iona Locke went through the Pittsburgh (PA) school system and then attended Harty’s Bible School in Pittsburgh. Online profile/bio (Facebook) states she has a doctorate in “Theology and Divinity Programs” but does not state where it was obtained. Who did burns get married to?